Fifteen Years Ago Today, a Computer Became the World's Best Chess Player

22:26 No Comment

On this day in 1997, Garry Kasparov sat down to his final day of chess with IBM's Deep Blue. It didn't go well, and eventually the computer won, assault the able on the final day of a six-game competition. The aftereffect afflicted the way we anticipate about computer intelligence for good.

Admittedly, it was the additional time Deep Blue had been up adjoin Kasparov, accepting absent the aboriginal time. And, yes, the supercomputer had been reprogrammed accurately to exhausted the Russian champ, application the ascribe of several grandmasters and a abundant assay of Kasparov's antecedent games.

But Deep Blue affronted accessible absorption in the banned of computer intelligence. It fabricated humans apprehend that computers could be added than just boxes.

Since, IBM has upped its game, managing to yield Watson to a victory in Jeopardy. What next?

Image by Adam Nadel/AP

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