First Look at What's Inside Apple's New Dock Adapter: It's Impossible to Tinker With

1:16 No Comment

I just got my berth adapter in the mail. So naturally, I wish to abort this one.

The berth adapter has a artificial carapace on it that is glued. You can't abundantly get it off afterwards the dremel, as the cement is not hot glue, that I can tell.

Peter from Double Helix Cables was nice abundant to accord us a attending into his abysmal dive into the belly of Apple's new $29 berth adapter, and whether it's in fact account the cash.

Once you get it open, there are two stick-on metal calefaction shields, that abolish to acknowledge chestnut antithesis accoutrement the lightning bung area.

Next you accept to bark the adulterated centermost animate section off, which reveals the lightning affection of the adapter. The lightning bung is animate able now with a ample animate abstraction dent with it, again it attaches with a award cable. There is a elastic atramentous section about it. All in all this affair is beautifully bogus like a atrocious puzzle.

Finally the animate cage that surrounds it. Animate tabs admit through the ambit boards, there is silicone atramentous crud and a attenuate blanket of adhesive all over the chips inside. The lath is u-shaped about surrounds the lightning bung and its award cord. Removing it complete - with the armament complex to angle the animate - agency that it isn't traveling to be modded by anyone anytime soon. To admission the contacts for the audio achievement to somehow drudge a cable to this and accomplish a berth audio achievement cable - would crave a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and specialized tools. Apparently a CNC to accomplish the cuts to abolish the animate cage. I got the animate cage off application tungsten carbide acid duke tools, a dremel, and I still had to cut into the ambit lath (probably adorning protrusions of the ambit board, the continued attenuated locations of the u-shape) to get the lath out. Further time was appropriate to get off all the crud on the chips.

The chips attending unfamiliar, but with the aforementioned metal accomplishment and some accept lasered text. They all arise to be custom and aggravating to amount out what does what is fruitless. I absolutely took this afar for the DIY association to ascertain if the DAC in this affair is in fact good, but it's absolutely unclear. It's apparently some dent audio dent in a beyond processing chip, that's how these things tend to be done now. One of the chips reads Apple on it with a actual continued consecutive number. Another reads 8533 23AP CAB.

The berth adapter is hyperdelicate if removed from its moorings. It is actually amphibian there with just its pins adhering it, and the pins are ultra accomplished as usual. Again, acceptable luck modding this thing. Even if you did mod it, authoritative something that would be ambrosial to attending at and assisting to sell, is about not traveling to happen. I absolutely had top hopes that I could get into this affair and attach an audio achievement cable, but I should accept accepted better. This affair is even added fearsomely able than the Lightning USB cord, by a agency of 10, absolutely to baffle those that wish to drudge it, and aswell so that it cannot breach easily. Nobody should cramp at paying $29 for this afterwards they see what is inside, though. The $39 cabled adaptation of this should be similar, with the lightning end artlessly distanced from the berth dent by a cable.

Got two added of these advancing in the mail that I intend to use, and not mod. This one took me a lot of of the afternoon to yield apart.

First Look at What's Inside Apple's New Dock Adapter: It's Impossible to Tinker With

First Look at What's Inside Apple's New Dock Adapter: It's Impossible to Tinker With

First Look at What's Inside Apple's New Dock Adapter: It's Impossible to Tinker With

First Look at What's Inside Apple's New Dock Adapter: It's Impossible to Tinker With

First Look at What's Inside Apple's New Dock Adapter: It's Impossible to Tinker With

First Look at What's Inside Apple's New Dock Adapter: It's Impossible to Tinker With
Double Helix Cables has been about back 2009, and makes custom cables and adapters for around annihilation on the planet.

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