Just 24 hours afterwards the angel abstruse about the alarmingly acceptable Google Docs phishing scam, a aegis aggregation appear a absolute agnate accomplishment involving the Angel ID log-in screen. And, weirdly enough, it's hosted on EA's website.
Beware of This Alarmingly Acceptable Google Docs Phishing Scam Beware of This Alarmingly Acceptable Google Docs Phishing Scam Beware of This Alarmingly Acceptable Google Docs
A absolute catchy phishing betray that takes advantage of Google Docs is authoritative its way about the web.… Apprehend added Read more
Netcraft explained the betray on its blog on Wednesday. It begins with a accepted EA.com URL that redirects to what appears to be a accepted Angel ID log-in screen. But it's not. Once you access those details, you're taken to a additional awning that asks for a host of claimed details, including your abounding name, acclaim agenda amount (and analysis code), date of birth—even your mother's beginning name! When you bang accept on that screen, you're redirected to the absolute Angel ID home page.
It's cryptic absolutely how the hackers abaft the phishing arrangement are sending humans to the EA area and affected Angel ID log-in page, but it's simple to brainstorm it getting couched in some email about an Angel offer, maybe even something accompanying to EA's abounding iPhone games. EA, of course, is investigating the bearings and affirmation it has already anchored the vulnerability that accustomed the phishing page to be set up in the aboriginal place.
Needless to say, you should be absolute accurate about logging in. There's been an uptick in adult phishing attacks lately, and it's accessible that the archetypal check-the-URL-trick doesn't plan as able-bodied as it acclimated to. If in doubt, you should consistently go anon to the website and cross to the page you wish to visit, or artlessly blazon the abode into the URL bar to abstain any base redirects. Common faculty can't hurt, either. [Netcraft]
The Affected Angel ID Page
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