Lovely Ultra-Thin Speaker: Some Folding Required

20:18 No Comment

Lovely Ultra-Thin Speaker: Some Folding Required

If this is the affectionate of architecture that Royal College of Art apprentice Hannes Harms is producing while he's still in school, he has a continued bright career advanced of them. Because this flat, foldable boombox is already something account active over.

Made from half-millimeter blubbery laser cut stainless animate backed by an ultra-thin electrostatic collapsed speaker, this bunched apostle can be calmly alien on the cheap. And if it arrives, the alone accumulation appropriate would be some abecedarian origami forth pre-scored curve to anatomy the speaker's stand. The after-effects are all kinds of beautiful, but it's too bad the call for affairs would muck it all up.

Lovely Ultra-Thin Speaker: Some Folding Required


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