HTC sued Apple over adaptable patents today. Again. Pretty anon Apple will acceptable sue them back. Again. Shrug. Throw it on the pile. And while the apparent Cold War continues to calefaction up, bawl for the absolute casualty: innovation.
I'm not a lawyer. Hell, the endure time I watched Law & Order, Jerry Orbach was still aflame badges. But I am anyone who's watched the tech industry eat abroad at itself for years now, arena the world's a lot of big-ticket belfry aegis bold with bought and awash ideas. Patents are aggregate like gold and brandished like swords. Which would be accomplished and good, if they were attention old articles and not antibacterial the new ones.
As we've said before, the botheration today isn't absolutely acceptable ol' ancient apparent trolls. They're attack artists, sure, and that's despicable, but at the end of the day all they absolutely wish is money. Money that could be bigger spent by the big boys on R&D, sure, but the Lodsys types are a gnat.
This Is Area the Apparent Trolls Live This Is Area the Apparent Trolls Live This Is Area the Apparent Trolls LiveThis American Life had an amazing adventure this accomplished weekend about apparent trolls. It was called to… Apprehend added Read more
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The lawsuits that Apple and HTC and Samsung and Nokia and anybody else with derma in the adaptable bold are throwing at anniversary other, though? Those are dangerous. They're alarming because Apple doesn't wish cash; they've got more than the absolute US government. Neither does anyone else, really. What they're all gunning for is bazaar advantage. Which, in the a lot of acute case, agency pulling the Galaxy Tab 10.1 off EU and Aussie shelves altogether. They're not arena Monopoly anymore. They're arena Highlander.
The Adaptable Apparent Mexican Standoff The Adaptable Apparent Mexican Standoff The Adaptable Apparent Mexican Standoff
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I batten with Venture Capitalist and columnist of the influential tech blog Above the Crowd Bill Gurley, who acicular out that "The [patent] Cold War aspect basically defines assertive markets as 'out of bounds.' You can't do adaptable OS now. CPU is acceptable tough. Video CODECs are a mess." Three acute areas, cut off from from confusing advance because of our system's failings.
And that's just one consideration. Gurley aswell acclaimed that appropriately important factors—non-operating apparent filers (the above trolls) and the patenting of business processes—have done every bit as abundant to balk innovation.
So why accept we gone off the abysmal end? Why are smartphones an reconsideration if Google pays billions of dollars for Motorola's adaptable business? Why can't a aggregation even blink a new book after attorneys anguish down the door?
Google Is Buying Motorola Google Is Buying Motorola Google Is Buying Motorola
Crazy account just in—Google is accepting the handset analysis of Motorola, Motorola Mobility, for… Apprehend added Read more
Simply put, and thoroughly laid bald by Nilay Patel over at TIMN, software patents aren't a absolute thing. Or rather, they're classified in a way that's absolutely adverse to their absolute function, abrogation abundant of a blah breadth that about anybody can sue over about anything. And, as Apple showed if they blocked the Galaxy Tab, they can win.
Billionaire Dallas Mavericks buyer (and one of the bigger winners of the late-90s tech bubble) Mark Cuban afresh appropriate that we just scrap software patents altogether. A bigger acknowledgment is apparently to address specific accent into apparent law to awning the different backdrop of software. As for litigation, Gurley recommends affective to a system—similar to what the UK and France already accept in place—where the accident affair pays. That would, ideally, arch off endless bottomless apparel at the pass.
Again, I'm no Sam Waterston. I just apperceive who gets aching in the torn arrangement we accept now. And it's a continued list:
• Small start-ups who either shy abroad from convalescent on articles in belligerent areas, get sued into abeyance afore they can accomplish a abundant idea, or get bought up alone for their bookish property—which ends up not accepting made.
• Large companies, the Samsungs and Apples and HTCs, who absorb billions of dollars on apparent accretion and litigation—which could be bigger spent on R&D.
• You, gadget-lover, whose admiration for the latest and greatest runs anon adverse to the directives of the apparent wars. It slows things down, it banned choice. It destroys the exchange of account in favor of a adumbration world, area the alone articles you get to see are the ones that get accomplished a abandoned aggregation of IP lawyers.
That's about every allotment of the tech ecosystem that's adulterated by this parasite. What can you do? Ask your assembly for apparent ameliorate (if you're searching for an outline of what to say, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos affectionate of nailed it aback in 2000). That, and achievement that the abundant apparent Cold War doesn't devolve into a thermonuclear disaster.
You can accumulate up with Brian Barrett, the columnist of this post, on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+.
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