Gizmodo Is 10 Years Old Today—Sort Of

20:12 No Comment

On July 15th, 2002, the aboriginal column went reside on Gizmodo. Say, that was ten years ago exactly. Happy altogether to us!

In the summer of '02, Gizmodo's founding editor, Pete Rojas was autograph about things that are bizarre to the point of hilarity from up actuality on 2012's top horse. iPod abutment for windows had finally arrived. We acquaint a laser printer roundup. We were acquisitive for the admission of the Roomba. We wondered "Where Are All the FMP3 Players?" Now I'm not abiding we even apperceive what that meant. Apparently they never arrived.

Today, starting with that little iPod, Apple has put abounding of the companies we already wrote about out of business and become the baron of customer electronics, Google makes computers you abrasion on your face and provides anybody with chargeless email, and you can angle yourself up with appealing abundant every movie, TV show, and section of music anytime created over the Internet—to a small, attenuate computer you authority in your hands, if you'd like. We're active in a present that would've fabricated Gizmodo 2002's eyes bulge. This gadgety present has its problems, its complexities, and its frustrations, but aloft all its a time of awe and enjoyment.

Like any center appropriate altogether party, we're animated to be able to attending up at those about us and see affable faces (that agency you!) account forth and discussing this being with us. The Gizmodo aggregation has afflicted afresh and afresh over the accomplished decade, but the spirit of admiration and fun we acquisition every day will not ever, so afore we all alpha asthmatic up, let's dig into this next decade. But be warned: there's a acceptable adventitious you'll be cutting a computer on your face by the end of it.

As a amount of clarification: The Gizmodo that started publishing in July was not live. These aboriginal posts were just frontloading—a accepted convenance wherein you ample your coffers with agreeable so new visitors don't appearance up to a website with like two belief on it. So even admitting we started publishing in July, we'll be adulatory our altogether in Augsust. Stay tuned!

For now, we'd like to accede all the humans who brought us to area we are today, from our founding fathers—Gawker Publisher Nick Denton and founding editor Peter Rojas—through the 5 EICs we've had forth the way, to the interns who advice us every individual day: We adulation you guys and are beholden for all the plan you've put into the site.

Get accessible for one hell of a affair in August.

Photo: John Minihan/Hulton Archive

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